Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Winter Garden Check-Up

Living Canvas believes in feeding the soil rather than feeding the plants. Every year before new growth erupts we replenish your flower beds and lawn with soil amender (composted materials). This process provides all the nutrition plants require for a healthy growing season. All the organic matter when breaking down continues to nourish, equalize the soil PH. Liming and fertilizing is no longer required. The organic matter in the soil also enhances moisture retention.

Winters in Vancouver are usually a perfect opportunity to observe and make notes of how your naked garden has sustained itself during the seasons. Notice the amount of soil present; are any roots showing? Are there any plants, shrubs or trees that are struggling, are searching for light, or are simply not happy in their location? Are there any signs of disease?

Doing some research to find out what plants you have and under which growing condition they grow best will allow you plan your next gardening season.

Do you like the current look your garden offers? Start thinking about changes such as extending existing beds and creating new ones.

Winter pruning will promote tree and shrub health. It is a very good time to guide and establish their shape. Proper pruning promotes good air flow, which will reduce disease causing organism infiltration in the spring. You may also see that an area of grass is dying due to the shade provided by the trees and may a good reason to enlarge an existing flower bed and to thin the tree canopy.

I recommend amending your soil every year. Is there enough soil? The soil is what feeds the plant material and 4”-5” (7cm-10cm) is a good amount of soil to provide your plants for a healthy growing season.

Living Canvas is dedicated to having gardens look their very best. In addition to providing helpful, knowledgeable advice and highly reliable service, we offer pesticide-free landscaping and silent maintenance. We use human-powered gardening tools (no gasoline-powered leaf blowers, lawn mowers, or trimmers).

We also sup
port earth friendly, biological pest control methods for the benefit of your health as well as the health of your entire yard ecosystem.

Call us so we can schedule an appointment to get your yard looking its healthiest for the 2009 growing season.

Kindest regards,
Roberto Gaudet


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