Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Products Everywhere!

If you been following Green Earth Organics' Twitter (GreenEarthOrg) or if you've been on our sale items page this week, you already know that we are positively swamped with new products. Eleven new items launched the week of April 13th and another twenty-three items came in this past week! This is an exciting time to be working at the GEO warehouse, as almost every day we are opening another box and discovering another new favourite item.

Some of these items had been requested and we were able to bring them in. Annie's Alfredo Shells is a staff favourite that we're pleased to have on the shelves here. Members asked us for agave, Acai juice, tortilla wraps, rolled oats, and Earth Balance, so we've now stocking all of those items too.

Other items were cases of "why don't we carry that?". Why do we have ketchup, but not mustard? Why don't we have any dried spices for cooking with? And we carry Ginger Ale and Root Beer, so why not Lemon Lime pop?

We have also started carrying some of those grocery fundamentals that so many recipes call for: a larger size of olive oil, pure lemon juice, tomato paste, and white wine vinegar.

And, finally, some products were just ones that sounded really, really good. Personally, my favourite new items so far are Kiju Pomegranate Cherry Juice, EnviroKidz Chocolate Crispy Rice Bars, and Anita's Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix (I've got a sweet tooth for sure). Tonight, I'm looking forward to veggie burgers with The Artisan Bake Shoppe's burger buns.

All of the new products will be on sale for a couple of weeks. The discount amount varies a lot, as we did get some introductory discounts. The new Nature's Path items and the Kiju Juices are especially good deals.

If there's an organic product you wished we carried, let me know and I will see what I can do. I've got more ideas and plans too, so watch the Twitter, the blog, or the sale page for more new products!

Yours in Organic Living,

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