Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Healthy Pizza to Improve the World

Give children access to education while enjoying delicious whole wheat organic pizza crust. The 12-inch crusts are made with the highest quality ingredients. They freeze well and are perfect to have on hand to create your own pizza masterpiece. $1.50 from each pizza crust sold in September will go to Compassionate Eye Foundation and its Scholarship Program that gives youth in Guatemala the opportunity to continue their education.

Initiated in 2006, the Scholarship Program provides an annual opportunity for elementary school students from the village of Tuixoquel to continue their education after Grade 6. Students benefiting from this program improve their career prospects and have a chance to give back to their community in the future.

Based in Vancouver, Compassionate Eye Foundation supports, honours, and empowers those in developing nations in order to expand educational opportunities, basic health services, and tools for economic development.

Pre-order your pizza crust with your regular order on or before September 18th, and the pizza crust will be added to your bin the week of September 28th to October 2nd, or October 5th through 9th if you do not have a delivery scheduled the first week. Alternatively, call or email us (604-708-2345 or info@greenearthorganics.com) to pre-order before September 18th.

To find more about Compassionate Eye Foundation or Spoonfuls Edible Fundraising, visit their websites.

To place your pre-order, call or email us before September 18th.

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