Thursday, March 11, 2010

3/50 Project: Juliet's Room

We've posted before about the 3/50 Project to support local businesses. We'd love it if Green Earth Organics' members would send us information about their favourite local, independently-owned stores and restaurants. If you would like to share your hidden gem, please email with about 200 to 300 words, including their address and their website if applicable, and let us know what name you'd like on the article. We deliver as far out as North Vancouver, Abbotsford, Maple Ridge, and all points in between, so please feel free to share your favourites outside of Vancouver too.

Juliet's Room by Louise Osborn

In terms of fave, "GEO friendly" stores, there is Juliet's Room on Fourth near Alma, which sells handmade bath and skin care products. The natural and strong scents, herbs, and spices are mixed by the owner, Stacelynn Caughlan, who is usually the person handling the retail side too. Wonderful, fairly priced, and passion inducing! I exclaimed out loud when I smelled the lavender bath milk! She makes it strong so peeps can mix with epsom salts to keep their costs down. She told me she wanted to make a product she herself could afford to buy. "There are enough high priced bath products on the market." And she gives out free samples in front of the store on a table. Wow!!!

Juliet's Room values quality and sustainability. Stacelynn has done a number of things to make the business as environmentally friendly as possible, including becoming a carbon-neutral company, using recycled shipping materials and biodegradable packing peanuts, using only recyclable bottles and jars for their products, and making products that are biodegradable. Most of their products are over 70% organic, and many of them are vegan (all are vegetarian).

For a treat for your body and your senses, check out Juliet's Room's website or go directly to their store location at 3630 West 4th Ave., Vancouver.

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