Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Did You Know: Skipping Deliveries

"Did You Know" is our new series of blog posts about Green Earth Organics: how it works, how you can do more with your account, etc.

Summer is finally here! For a lot of people, that means vacations and other changes to their usual schedules. If you need to skip a delivery for any reason, you can do so right on our website.

To skip a bin, start by logging in to your account, then go to the Delivery Schedule page (the link is on the left side of the screen, third from the bottom of the list). This will take you to a calendar of the current month (you can go to future months using the "Next Month" link at the top left of the calendar), with all your delivery days marked with "Delivery Scheduled". Click on "Delivery Scheduled" on the date you would like to skip, which will take you to another page. In the drop-down box, change the status to "Delivery On Hold" and click the "Update status" button. You will be taken back to the calendar view of the current month and the date you've cancelled will now say "Delivery On Hold".

You can also reactivate a bin you previously put on hold by reversing the above procedure and changing the date back to "Delivery Scheduled".

If it isn't convenient to log in to your account or if you have several weeks to put on hold, feel free to call or email us to put your bins on hold. You will also want to call or email if you receive bi-weekly deliveries and want to switch your weeks. For example, if you are currently scheduled to receive bins on July 20th and August 3rd, but you need to skip the 20th, we can reschedule your deliveries to July 27th and then every second week from there. This is something Esther or I have to do for you; there's currently no way to switch your weeks yourself on the website.

Generally when a member skips some bins, we just pick up their empty bin when we do the next delivery, but if you have multiple bins piling up, please feel free to contact us to arrange a pick-up on the next day we're in your area.

If you have any questions about your delivery schedule or need any other assistance, please give us a call at 604-708-2345 or email us at info@greenearthorganics.com.

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