Friday, May 11, 2012

Did You Know: Finding Products

"Did You Know" is our series of blog posts about Green Earth Organics: how it works, how you can do more with your account, etc.

There are a variety of ways you can find a product on our website. There's the "search products" field on the right-hand side of the page when you log in or when you go to any page besides our home page. The search results will include anything with the searched words in the name, description, or ingredients, so more specific is usually better. If you search pepper for example, you will get a list of all of the products that have pepper as an ingredient, which is quite the list. Entering ground black pepper or whole black pepper will reduce the list and make it easy to find a package of the spice to add to your bin.

Using the general search feature to find everything we carry by a favourite brand is one of the ways this works best, as it can bring together products that would otherwise be scattered across several categories. Searching "eden", for example, brings up two pages of Eden Organic products that would otherwise be in at least three different categories.

Another way to find things on our website is to browse the categories and subcategories. If you are looking for a can of soup, for example, you could choose the Grocery category and then the Soups & Broths subcategory to see all your options.

Using the subcategories can also come in handy when choosing fruits and vegetables. The Fruits and Vegetables categories are sorted alphabetically, which means that ambrosia apples and gala apples will be quite far apart, and maybe on separate pages. To see all the apples together, just select the Apples subcategory of "Fruits", and there are all the options for the week, side-by-side for easy comparing.

Finally, there is a separate search box for within a category or even a subcategory. For example, if you click on the Beverages category, you can use the search box that shows just above the first items (labelled "Find Item in Beverages:") to find all the beverages that contain the word orange in the name, description, or ingredients. Now you can see all the orange beverages in one place, regardless of subcategory (for example, "Carbonated Beverages" or "Juices"), without non-beverages containing orange coming up too.

If you've searched our website for a favourite organic brand or an organic grocery item you would like to be able to add to your bin and we don't have it, please let us know. We are adding items to the website all the time, and many of our new products come from member requests and recommendations.

Thank you for being a member of Green Earth Organics!

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