Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What I Want Vs What I Really Want

Whatever goals you set for yourselves, you need to want it not just with your thoughts, but with your whole beingFor example, say you consciously want to lose 20 lb; however, you subconsciously believe that changing your eating habits will ruin your happiness. Then you will be torn apart by this misalignment! In the end, your subconscious mind has the upper hand, as it controls 95% of human behaviour. This explains why only 8% of the people succeed in achieving their New Year Resolution.
As an Energy Healer, my goal is not only to resolve pain/illnesses, but also help people find their happiness. One tool I offer my clients is called the Happiness Session, which helps them synchronize what they want consciously with their whole being. This way, their subconscious mind is helping them achieve their goal rather than resisting it. While what brings Happiness is unique to each person, following are the most common areas that my clients have identified:
  1. Spending time with friends and family (including pets)
  2. Seeing loved ones happy
  3. Health (Losing Weight, Eating Better, Exercising, Resolving Pain and Illnesses)
  4. Meaningful connection with other people (and with God), such as helping those in need
  5. Having fun (Travel, Hobbies, Sports, Nature)
  6. Success
Interestingly, money has not been identified as a source of happiness for most; although it is recognized as a tool to achieving the other happiness areas.
When your happiness picture has conflicting items in it, it becomes very hard to achieve any of them. For example, you enjoy spending time with friends while having a big meal at your favourite restaurant, but you also want to lose weight. You end up either focussing on only one of the two, or struggling to keep both going. However, when your whole being is aligned with your happiness goals at the big picture level, you will find it natural and effortless to do both and you will come up with creative ways of achieving your goals that you never thought of before. In this example, my client found that by having 3-minute organic green smoothies during the day, she gets all her nutrition needs while at work and also finds that her appetite is well under control. Now at meal times, she does not feel like over-eating and she can enjoy going out with her friends without ordering a big unhealthy meal.
If you feel stuck in getting to what you want and enjoying everything that life has to offer, then why not find out what happiness means to you? After all, you are most creative when you are happy.
Diana is a Certified Quantum-Touch® Practitioner.  She uses energy healing to help people to "say good-bye to pain and say hello to happiness".  Her special interest is healing for head injuries.  She is currently documenting effectiveness of energy healing for people who have suffered concussion.  You can contact her at diana_cheng@telus.net, or visit her website at www.Good-Bye-pain.com

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