Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our top 6 Healthy Office Snacks

Having healthy snacks in your office can sometimes be challenging. At Green Earth Organics we are very lucky to have access to so many healthy and delicious snacks through the day. That is why we've made a list of our Top 6 Healthy Office Snacks! Enjoy!

1. Oranges -
Smooth, thin skin encases sweet, juicy fruit with a deliciously tart taste. Cut in small wedges and sink your teeth into the tender, silky flesh.

2. Apples -
Apples have a high antioxidant concentration. Antioxidants are disease-fighting compounds. Scientists believe these compounds help prevent and repair oxidation damage that happens during normal cell activity.

3. Bananas -
The banana is an anytime, year-round snack. Slice them onto cereal or fold into a fruit salad.

4. Dried Fruit -
Dried fruit has a long tradition and is a great snack that will boost your energy levels with its sweet taste, nutritive value, and long shelf life.

5. Crackers and cheese -
Cheese and crackers can provide a source of healthy carbohydrates and protein that will get you going till the end of the day.

6. Granola Bars -
Instead of a loose, breakfast cereal consistency, granola bars are pressed and baked into a bar shape, resulting in the production of a more convenient snack. Nature’s Path has delicious flavours that will melt in your mouth.

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