Friday, August 9, 2013

Coconut Corn Salad

Adapted from 101 Cookbooks


3 tablespoons unsalted butter
5 ears of corn, shucked
sea salt, to taste
3 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
1 cup big coconut flakes, well toasted
1 cup sliced almonds, well toasted
3 tablespoons chopped red onions
generous amount of fresh lemon or lime juice, to taste

Melt the butter in a large pan over medium heat, and then add in the corn, sprinkling with salt. Stir well to ensure the corn is coated in both the butter and salt.  Cook for a minute or two, just until the corn is no longer raw, and stir in half the thyme.

Transfer the corn to a large bowl. Just before serving, add most of the coconut flakes, most of the almonds, the rest of the thyme, red onions, and citrus juice. Stir well. Taste, adjust salt to taste, and top with the remaining coconut and almonds. Easy, delicious, and perfect for a summer meal.

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