Wednesday, April 15, 2015

An Often Overlooked Step for Weight Loss

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to do nutrition mini-consultations with a number of women. All of these women had several things in common. They were:
  • Intelligent
  • Successful in high-demand, fast-paced careers
  • Busy. Very, very busy.
  • Unhappy with their weight.
  • They also had something else in common. Something that is often overlooked when trying to lose weight – building up their self-care toolkit.
I brought up self-care toolkits for two reasons:

1)Alternatives to Emotional Eating: We eat for more reasons than just fuel for our bodies. Eating can soothe our emotional needs. Think of the terms “treats” or “comfort food”. Enjoying such foods can be a way of taking care of ourselves. The problem comes when it’s the only tool in your toolkit. Or when you over-use this tool.

2)The Stress-Weight Connection: Mainstream medicine is coming to understand what many traditional wellness systems have known for a long time. Our mental/emotional/spiritual health and physical health are connected. Specifically related to weight, we’re learning how chronic stress creates a cascade of hormones that cause weight gain – particularly belly weight.

It’s this second point that I brought up with the women last week. And, I particularly want to share with you. So many of us function so well in our high-stress lives, and that high level of stress is so constant, that we don’t even see the stress anymore. We’ve become stress-blind. But our bodies haven’t.

The way to counter frequent emotional eating and chronic stress is to have a wide variety of tools in your self-care toolkit. And, to use them daily.

What do I mean by a “self-care toolkit”? I mean ways to take care of your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The fantastic news is that there are an unlimited number of tools out here. You just need to find out which ones work for you. And use them! Examples include:
Listening to or playing music (including singing)
Gratitude practice
Chatting with supportive friends
Counselling/ Therapy
The list goes on and on.

It may seem counterintuitive that taking up art therapy (or substitute another option) is a way to lose weight. But now you know why it’s important. Now you know why I recommended daily use of self-care tools / expanding the tools in the self-care toolkits to each of the women whom I met last week. And, now you know why I recommend it for you too!  

For ideas of how to change what you’re eating, check out my free resource: How to Eat Healthy to Boost Your Energy: 10 Steps that Even Healthy Eaters Miss at (Guys: head over to
Twitter: @KristenYarker
Pinterest: KristenYarker

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