Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Goods on Mango!

There are plenty of reasons why you should be incorporating more of this brightly coloured fruit into your diet. Mangoes have been known to help clear your skin, keep diabetes under control, aid digestion and support weight loss. Just one cup of mango contains high levels of the antioxidants vitamin A and C as well as vitamin B6 which helps keep our hearts healthy. Chop it up in smoothies and salsas or blend them with yogurt and freeze for a delicious summer snack. 

Dr. Ashely Gordon is a Squamish-based Naturopathic Physician and owner of Garibaldi Health Clinic, an integrative health care facility offering safe and effective care including Naturopathic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Massage, Midwifery and Physical Therapy. Dr. Gordon’s treatments focus on the whole person, from the physical and mental to the emotional and spiritual realms. To learn more about what Naturopathic Medicine can do for you, or to make an appointment, visit www.garibaldihealthclinic.com or call 604 898 1999.

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